Inner balance will unlock your potential

Maiken Piil
6 min readJan 31, 2022
Photo by Christophe Hautier on Unsplash

Balance is the holy grail of life. Balance opens up the portal to an expanded existence that gives rise to the highest possible potential to express itself. Just look at an ecosystem in balance, it is naturally sustainable, it is resourceful and it flourishes.

This is no different from the eco-system that you are — when your ecosystem is in balance an inner peace sets in, and you feel relaxed, open, receptive, giving, present — your true nature shines true and your creative expression flourish enabling you to create new life with ease.

The divine intelligence of Life itself inherently seeks balance constantly — it pushes all of life towards more and more complex and expanded expressions of balance. It is a creative process unfolding that invite each of us to manifest our highest inner potential.

The potential of humanity (and the planet itself) is interconnected with you bringing your creative potential alive through balance. You are an ecosystem interconnected with the eco-system of Life itself, and you are part of many ecosystems within the eco-system we can call Life. When you bring your own eco-system into balance, you start to influence the eco-systems you are interconnected with. In essence you become the balancing factor that can support all of life into balance and its highest potential. That is how powerful you are.

Or in other words, when you live into your potential, you make it easier for others to do the same. Every creation is born from within, which means balance needs to be born within you first to emit to your external life and surroundings. It needs to be cultivated in consciousness first to manifest into reality. The question is, are you ready to step into this kind of leadership within yourself?

How is your inner balance?
Where there is an imbalance there is a leak of energy, resources, potential, and if sustained a damaging impact on the overall system. We all have the power to bring ourselves into balance to experience a richer way of life and be of service to the creative potential around us.

However, many people are so accustomed to be out of balance within, and with their surroundings that they don’t even know what it feels like to be in balance. They often don’t even recognize that their life is in imbalance, because it looks like the life of so many other people, and hence becomes the accepted norm. Or they feel powerless to change it, and instead they settle.

Lack of inner balance has many expressions — too many to cover here — but it can be a lack of energy, tiredness, a consistent stream of thoughts, worries, sadness, anger, difficulty sleeping, no motivation, and an obsessiveness with what others do wrong or need to change.

However, just like all life situations have the potential to be brought into balance, we have the potential to be in balance regardless of our life circumstances. And when we are in balance, we become a mirror for our surroundings.

A life hack to help reconnect to the true inner state of peace and balance is to just sit down and breathe in and out on the word peace. The word peace carries the energy of balance, and it will both help reprogram your nervous system to remember its natural state of peace, and it will bring awareness to all of that which is currently not in alignment with peace (balance) — within and without.

When you pull back from life a little bit, sit down, and let yourself feel how you are truly feeling, you’ll know where something is amiss. You can sense where the imbalance is within, because there is a lack of peace and an experience of something other than that.

Where do your imbalances show up?
An imbalance in outer life is always due to an imbalance in our inner world. Our relationship to all aspects of our life will reveal to us where we are and are not in balance — and full capacity — within ourselves.

If we go through all the relational aspects of our life, we can feel into how balanced each feels to us. A balanced relationship is, among others, characterized by an equal exchange of support — which is essentially an equal exchange of energy, which can be expressed and exemplified in many ways depending on the nature of the relationship.

I have a mutually supportive relationship with the fitness aspect of my life because for me it is important that the gym is available at all hours when I feel called to use it. And it is in balance because I actually make use of it. However, to expect a friend to be available at all hours just because I feel I need it, would not be a balanced, mutually supportive relationship. In the same manner, I trust my house to support my thriving in exchange for me taking care of the thriving of the house.

In the same way, we can go through all the relational aspects we have with Life itself to see where there is or is not balance. Our home, business, workplace, friends, family, the communities we are part of, and so on.

If we feel there is an imbalance anywhere, it is because there is an imbalance within us. There is something we have not realized and taken responsibility for within ourselves. Each imbalance will always be held in place by a limiting belief and insecurity within us, which cause us to not speak up, back down, let go, step up, or make difficult choices. If we bring that aspect of ourselves into balance, we bring the situation into balance. That does not mean that the relationship will sustain, but then it will be for the highest good at that time for the relationship to change.

Your intuition will tell you
Only your inner knowing and your intuitive intelligence will provide you with meaningful answers to resolve your imbalances. Your mind cannot give you the answers — it cannot extend beyond its current capacity and view-point. It likes to stick to the patterns it knows and feels comfortable with. It only knows what it has been taught so far, and can only think in right/wrong. Therefore it does not have the solutions to how you bring your relationships into balance. Your mind plays a zero-sum game, where there is only losers and winners, not where there is a win-win. It might be intellectual, but not intelligent.

You need to reach your inner world, where balance is already existing. It is just waiting for you to contact it and hear what it has to tell you.

Expanding balance
Every day is an invitation to bring more aspects of life into balance. Balance is never a constant. We fall in and out of balance all the time. It is a part of life’s way of teaching us so we can learn and grow into the potential of who we truly are. As you begin to bring awareness to balance, you constantly attune yourself to balance in order to grow.

When we are present and open to receive the inherent feedback that imbalance brings to teach us, and are willing to make the necessary changes to adjust and grow, we bring ourselves into new and more expanded experiences of balance — and potential. You eventually learn to bring life into balance in a myriad of ways. This is where our true creative nature shines through, and bring more and more of its creative power to the world.

Our true nature is like a flower reaching towards the sun — it constantly seeks towards the light. It shows you where that light is by trying to catch your attention through imbalance. Do you stop to listen where it calls you forth right now?

If you would like support on how to bring your potential our through balance, please reach out at any time to discuss how I can be of service to you. Or sign up to my newsletter and receive the ’10 Leadership Alchemy Tips’. Sign up here: Newsletter



Maiken Piil

I am an explorer of consciousness and the true nature of reality. I serve leaders and individuals wishing to awaken their true nature and inner powers to serve.